第1017回 生物科学セミナー
演者:Jürgen A. Ripperger
Biochemistry, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
演題:Flexibility of the liver circadian oscillator

Circadian clocks allow organisms to synchronize their metabolism and physiology to the external photoperiod. They not only provide stable phase relationships between the organs, but also anticipate daily recurring events. Consequently, the system had to evolve specific adaptation mechanisms to adjust to changing photoperiods e.g., during the seasons. Previously, we identified an uncoupling mechanism of the liver circadian oscillator that maintained the anticipation of the light to dark transition under different photoperiods (Stratmann et al., Genes & Development 2010). A subsequent finding (Ukai-Tadenuma et al., Cell 2011) suggested that the uncoupling mechanism was part of a regulatory network. Here, I will describe our attempts to model the adjustment of the liver circadian oscillator based on the interaction of eight genes, which are part of the regulatory network, and assuming a single input into the system. Computational modeling will allow us to understand the critical processes underlying the flexibility of the liver circadian oscillator.

世話人:理学系研究科 深田 吉孝